Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Eucharistic Miracle!

Do you think Eucharistic Miracles just happened in the middle ages in Europe to saints?

Think again. They happen all over the world, including in the United States, today.

God will use anything to draw us to him. Miracles of healing, God-incidences, words of prophesy. Here is an example of a Eucharistic Miracle that happened to a non-Catholic.

From the St. Charles Harold, LA.

date 9.14.06

Andy Petty of Gretna, shown here with wife Ina, works as a petroleum geologist, so he had a hard time believing what he saw at the adoration chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Kenner.

Last Thanksgiving, Andy Petty of Gretna saw something he'll never forget. Nearly a year later he can remember it like it was yesterday.

It all started when Petty visited Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) Adoration Chapel in Rivertown. Little did he know that someone was waiting for him there.

Petty, who belonged to the Worldwide Church of God, was only attending OLPH to be with his fiancée, Ina. When Ina said, "lets go to the chapel" he thought she meant wedding chapel.

"I had never been to an adoration chapel, never even heard of it," acknowledged Petty. He had seen the Eucharist before in the church when Father Miles was showing it around so he knew what it looked like. The 56-year-old said he was so unfamiliar with the host that he called it a cracker at the time.

Petty never had a clue that his life was about to change as he entered the Adoration Chapel at Our Lady of Perpetual Help that fall day.

When he looked at the host, he was surprised by an image of a "bearded man" looking back at him, clear as day. Petty didn't realize he was having a vision, considered by the fai thful to be a blessing. He thought the image was a projection and tried to see where it was coming from.

"I saw a bearded figure about from shoulders up right on the host, I was looking around to see where the projection was coming from." Petty searched the room and found nothing.

"My fiancée was praying at the time so I slid down the pew and got out of my mouth, 'Do you see that figure?' She said, 'see what?' I said, 'It's right there don't you see it?'
Ina saw nothing.

Petty was dumbfounded, coming from a scientific/geological background, (he is employed by the U.S. Department of Interior as a petroleum geologist) he was not inclined to believe something that could not be proven. Spiritual visions definitely fell into this category.

Ina thought differently. "My wife (they were married in August) was all excited and began telling the whole family that I was seeing Jesus," he sighed.

Petty was cautious to jump on the bandwagon, "I still didn' t know what had happened and called the image a bearded man -- not Jesus."

Besides, said Petty, his church taught that Jesus had short hair, not long hair and a beard. He had been a member of the Worldwide Church of God for 40 years and for 30 of those years they preached that the Pope and the Catholic Church were the antichrist.

Petty called his pastor and told him what had happened. "My pastor told me I had received a special gift and gave me his blessing if I wanted to become Catholic." That's exactly what Petty did.

Still not knowing exactly what to make of it, Petty saw the image again in the Church one day. "I finally realized that I had to talk to the priest and sign up for adoration duty," he said. He and Ina now live in Metairie and have been going every week since. "I've never missed a week except when I went on vacation."

Visitors have also seen Jesus in the Eucharist at the Adoration chapel in Ama.

One of them is Gail Decker of Lulin g, who has been a regular at the chapel since it first opened 17 years ago. She goes to the chapel every Monday for one hour. "One day it was a holiday and I had so much to do it was hard for me to go," says Decker. As she began praying, she says the Lamb of God appeared on the host.

"I think Jesus was rewarding me for coming," she says.

Anyone can come to the chapels to pray. Locally over 500 people from all walks of life have committed to praying at the chapels for one hour a week. Most of them have not seen the face of Jesus in the Eucharist like Decker and Petty, but what they have experienced in the chapel is a much greater gift.

Decker and most adorers will tell you that they keep coming back because they can feel a very real presence of Jesus in these chapels. His presence is felt by anyone who can make himself humble enough and small enough to recognize it. Once an adorer can get over himself enough to offer sincere praise and thanks to God, his soul b ecomes overwhelmed with peace and happiness. This is the heavenly experience that adorer's keep coming back for and what they mean when they say " Have a good hour."

Those interested in visiting a perpetual adoration chapel can go to St. Marks on River Road in Ama, the St. Charles Borremeo chapel behind the church in Destrehan or Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Short St. in Kenner (across from the Airport).

Wow! God was calling Andy Petty in a powerful and demonstative way to His Church!!!

More on Eucharistic Miracles in future posts.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Shocking Admission ! Abortion is murder !

The article below, "Shock: Prominent Feminist Admits "Abortion is Murder" but "I am a Firm Supporter" found at LifeSiteNews.com is worth reading and sharing. This feminist, who is an atheist admits that abortion is murder and "is the extermination of the powerless by the powerful." WoW!! Someone who is "pro-choice" that is pro-death, who calls a spade a spade and admits the truth of what is occurring.

Note that she calls liberals to task for not facing up to the fact that abortion is the annihilation of individuals! This woman is refreshingly truthful but sadly does not realize the God given beauty and gifts that each individual has for the world.

Also note her insightful comment that the negative response to the Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin is a psychological response by people who have not faced up to what abortion really is.

Unfortunately, Camille Paglia believes that the right of a woman to end her child's life predominates the right of the child to life, liberty and happiness.

Camille says:

"Liberals for the most part have shrunk from facing the ethical consequences of their embrace of abortion, which results in the annihilation of concrete individuals and not just clumps of insensate tissue," explained Paglia. "The gigantic, instantaneous coast-to-coast rage directed at Sarah Palin when she was identified as pro-life was, I submit, a psychological response by loyal liberals who on some level do not want to open themselves to deep questioning about abortion and its human consequences."

Let us pray for Camille. Camille through her admissions -may be opening the eyes of many people who are pro-abortion---and when they finally face the facts --that abortion is murder, they may have a change of heart.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Intercede for the United States of America.

Shock: Prominent Feminist Admits "Abortion is Murder" but "I Am a Firm Supporter"
By Tim Waggoner

WASHINGTON, September 11, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - In an article focusing on newly appointed vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, prominent feminist Camille Paglia admits that, much like Gov. Palin, she also believes abortion involves the murder of an innocent life - but unlike Palin, Paglia says she is a "firm supporter" of abortion.

Paglia's piece, which appears on Salon.com, is the latest indication that "utilitarian" philosophies that no longer recognize the "right to life" as being the most foundational human right are gaining ground in some liberal circles. Under these philosophies even murder can be advocated as long as it protects what is deemed to be an even more important "right" - in Paglia's case the sacrosanct "right to abortion."

Paglia, the University Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, is well-known for her non-conformist approach as a lesbian social critic and as a popular journalist and author. Her latest article, "Fresh blood for the vampire", largely addresses the Republican's surge in the polls after choosing Palin as VP-nominee, but also touches on abortion.

"Let's take the issue of abortion rights, of which I am a firm supporter. As an atheist and libertarian, I believe that government must stay completely out of the sphere of personal choice. Every individual has an absolute right to control his or her body," said Paglia, voicing the commonest argument put forward by feminist supporters of abortion.

Unlike her fellow pro-abortion colleagues, however, Paglia continued on to - as she termed it - "face the ethical consequences" of embracing abortion. "I have always frankly admitted that abortion is murder, the extermination of the powerless by the powerful," she said.

Paglia then admitted that in order to rationalize and accept abortion, one would have to not only accept, but logically condone other atrocities against life - that is, one would have to accept murder for the sake of protecting a particular, more important "right", as she does. The author criticizes those on the social left who parrot the scientifically untenable position that the fetus is just a "lump of tissue", saying that those who do so are simply afraid to face the consequences of their pro-abortion position.

"Liberals for the most part have shrunk from facing the ethical consequences of their embrace of abortion, which results in the annihilation of concrete individuals and not just clumps of insensate tissue," explained Paglia. "The gigantic, instantaneous coast-to-coast rage directed at Sarah Palin when she was identified as pro-life was, I submit, a psychological response by loyal liberals who on some level do not want to open themselves to deep questioning about abortion and its human consequences."

Paglia also criticized some on the social left for their logical inconsistency in condoning the killing of the innocent, but not of the guilty. "I have never understood the standard Democratic combo of support for abortion and yet opposition to the death penalty. Surely it is the guilty rather than the innocent who deserve execution?" she said.

"What I am getting at here is that not until the Democratic Party stringently reexamines its own
implicit assumptions and rhetorical formulas will it be able to deal effectively with the enduring and now escalating challenge from the pro-life right wing."

Paglia's professed willingness to sanction murder in order to protect a woman's "right to choose" is comparable to the argument put forward in a recent article published in the highly respected New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). The authors of the article, writing on the notion of "brain death" and organ donation, note that the frequently used criteria of death known as "brain death" is inadequate for determining if a potential organ donor has truly died. However, instead of calling into question the idea of vital organ donation, the authors of the piece instead suggest that the criteria for dead donors should be eradicated altogether - thus sanctioning killing a potential organ donor in order to harvest his/her organs.

Likewise, at the beginning of 2008, in a lengthy report that appeared in The Hastings Center Report - called by conservative bioethicist Wesley Smith the "world's most prestigious" journal of bioethics - the authors advocate infanticide for those new born babies who may face a life of what medical personnel deem to be "unbearable" suffering. Under what is known as the Groningen Protocol, infanticide is already taking place on a regular basis in the Netherlands with government support.

Read the original article:

Fresh blood for the vampirehttp://www.salon.com/opinion/paglia/2008/09/10/palin/print.h...
See related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:

Editorial: Infanticide Goes Mainstream and Why Prolife Arguments Need an Updatehttp://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2008/feb/08022203.html

SHOCK: Newborns Who Suffer are "Better off Dead" - "World's Most Prestigious" Bioethics